Adam liaison

Adam made the transition from full-time military to US Army Reserves and business owner after returning from his 4th deployment to Afghanistan . He has seen the effects of combat in his life and in the lives of others and worked his way through the challenges. Adam says his life has a clearer focus on how he can help others adjust to major changes and difficult situations. Working with horses is something new for Adam; because of living in many different locations during his childhood as a military dependent it wasn't until the last 11 years that he has had an interest in the horse-human bond. Adam is currently serving with the 489th Civil Affairs BLN, in Knoxville, TN. His wife is also continuing her Army career, serving as an instructor at Ft. Sill, OK. She has experienced the hardships of military service as a female both on and off the battle field.

Rita, therapist
Though it took Rita several years to complete her education because of traveling throughout the U. S., Germany, and Korea as a military wife and mother to her children, she was eventually able to graduate from Utah State University with a Bachelors Degree in Recreation Management. She then attended the University of Utah to complete certification as a Substance Abuse Counselor. Between the two school programs, Rita found a way to include her love of horses as she studied to become an Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Facilitator. She continued on and graduated with a Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and loves being able to combine her life experiences and education into an interactive program that focuses on helping others...and introducing them to her horses!